Wednesday, February 04, 2015

the year in books: february

January's choice for the year in books project was The Humans by Matt Haig. It took me a few pages to get into the book, just to get to grips with the premise of the plot and who exactly the narrator was. I found it a really interesting idea and a good read although there were one or two lines in it that irked me a little. Overall I was glad I had read it, and it was one of those novels where I found myself amazed at the imagination of the author to come up with such a plot.

I got a set of two Mitch Albom books at Christmas which I took on holiday and really enjoyed. Tuesdays with Morrie was a lovely read and I was frequently found sitting in my seat on the plane having a little weep.

The five people you meet in heaven was also a pleasant read. I almost felt it got a little lost towards the end but I enjoyed it and thought it was a nice concept. I was glad I had taken these two books away and found them both quite short and perfect for dipping in and out of on my travels.

The first book on the list for February is the Rosie Project. I decided to read this next as I've been reading recently about the sequel having come out and so this got pushed to the top of the pile.


  1. Katie I hope you love The Rosie Project. I read it last year for my non-virtual book group, and absolutely loved it. Will be interested to see what you think of ot X

    1. let's just say it was already finished by the time I published this post (and I didn't start it until February!!) xx

  2. oh I loved those Mitch Albom books x

    1. They're lovely aren't they! I spent a lot of time on the plane crying! x
