172. Saved these buttons from a cardigan. I loved it when I bought it, but the fabric bobbled terribly, and covered everything I wore it with in brightly coloured fluff. It was such a shame to get rid of it, but the buttons were too beautiful to lose.

173. Making progress with the jigsaw, under Millie's watchful eye. Only one piece had to be rescued, slightly chewed, from the kitchen floor.
174. Oh our garden is bringing me such happiness this year, these incredibly scented roses are blooming and there are plenty more buds yet to come.
175. The hanging baskets withered a little in the warm weather but they resurrected with a long drink, and are happily brightening up the front of the house.
176. The train home, after a long but successful day. Unfortunately travelling backwards, a burgeoning headache and a crowded train was not particularly enjoyable, so I distracted myself by focussing on taking some pictures and doing my #3goodthings post, which I have started doing each evening over on instagram.
177. Got caught in a downpour on the way to the station after work. Luckily I had taken my coat and packed my brolly, but my shoes took a bit of a soaking. The train journey is only twenty minutes but it was beautiful blue skies when I landed home.
178. The peony suddenly burst into life, it seems to flower all too briefly, and I am hoping this isn't the last for the year just yet.