
Thank you for visiting whatkatiewrotenext

If by any strange chance you want to use any of the content from the blog, please credit it back, and if you could let me know that would be even better - mainly so I can make my Mum proud! 

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1 comment:

  1. Hi Katie,
    I know I've not written a blog post myself for a while anyway but... I remembered reading on your blog a while ago that you were getting ready to go back to work. I just wanted to say hi and I hope you and yours are well and ok. I'm guessing you've settled in with the routine of work again. My 2 boys are 15 and 17 yrs old but I do vaguely remember being a stay at home Mum and taking them to different places with me during the day - visiting, helping etc. Financially it was a strain though, so I did start going back to work after the youngest was 5 yrs. There is of course no right or wrong way to do things - such as the best decision, it's just what works for you and family.
    Anyway without waffling, I wish you well and look forward to hearing from you in the future.
    Ps, I think with my blog, I waste time on-line instead of crocheting etc. My new yrs resolution was to be more present - as in, not on-line, lol.
    All the best.
    Cathy x
