81. After getting home from a night visiting my friend, we had a happy half hour as a family, sat in the bedroom planning the week ahead. I have a bad habit of needing to feel constantly productive, and especially when I am away from home during the week, as I was last week, it was good for the three of us just to share some time in the early afternoon sunlight, chatting, and just being.

82. The shades of spring brightening up the study, these beautiful two-tone tulips have been adding colour to our week.

83. Got back to the hotel late from visiting my cousin, but was determined to make use of the gym, so a very late night trip. Having the thought of some races lined up is giving me a much greater incentive to persist with trying to improve my stamina.

84. Home at last, and the "I forgot to take a photo" shot of my bedside table.

85. Text my Grandad from work saying that I was a busy bee, and then managed to amuse myself greatly by sending him this picture saying that I even looked like a bee. Alas he didn't get the picture until much later, so I think he was little perplexed as to what on earth I had gone to work wearing!

86. Friday night movie night with The Husband. We made these again, with the leftover mixture from the freezer, tidied the kitchen and then went and curled up under the covers with a film, and Millie for company. Fabulous start to the weekend.

87. A lovely afternoon ordering a photo album from our Australia trip, was so great to go back through the pictures of our trip, and though it was tricky to pick favourites, I'm really looking forward to the book arriving. It was also an excuse to lift out our honeymoon album for inspiration, and so an afternoon filled with reminders of happy holidays. We fueled our endeavours with some more of the Hotel Chocolat chocolates that I received for my birthday. These caramel shortbread ones were lovely, such a treat.
Linking in with The Boy and Me