Sunday, April 17, 2016

word of the week

One of the first signs that I thought I might possibly be pregnant, way back in late November, was the onset of some incredibly vivid dreams, and every couple of months since I have had spates of rather intense recollections as I wake in the morning. In the last week or so, though, I have instead found myself sleeping very little, and for some reason suddenly being an incredibly light sleeper.

I've never been easy to wake, sleeping through multiple alarms, much to the frustration of The Husband who often has to turn off the incessant bleeping coming from my side of the bed, as I remain peacefully oblivious. Recently I am being woken by the slightest thing, and am getting to the morning feeling drained by frequent bouts of being wide awake in the small hours of the morning. It hasn't been helped by the fact that when I am asleep I am having awful nightmares, the kind where you shock yourself awake, and find yourself struggling to breathe, heart racing, and, on more than one occasion, crying too. Hormones are incredible things! The Husband, has impressively, managed to learn the art of comforting me back to sleep while apparently not actually waking up himself. This was revealed when I thanked him for knowing exactly what to say to settle my panic and helping me drift off the previous night, and it quickly became clear that he had no recollection of either of us having been awake at all. Quite a skill to have!

Having spent all week looking forward to the chance to catch up on sleep over the weekend, in the end I did the opposite and feel all the better for it. We have deliberately been up early both days, and have had a lovely weekend. By ten o'clock yesterday morning the shopping delivery was unpacked, pancakes had been cooked and eaten, a cake was in the oven and my baking cupboard had been reorganised. There was cooking, a visit to friends, and some time in the garden sowing seeds in our vegetable planter and tending to the herb garden. This morning we had an early morning walk with Millie, enjoying the sunshine, followed by a trip to pick up supplies for the new term of art class that starts tomorrow, and various bits of pottering around the house. It has been good to be up and about and making the most of the days, a weekend well spent, and now to bed and hoping that sleep will not be quite so elusive tonight. 

The Reading Residence


  1. Clever husband! Sounds like a nice weekend, hope you sleep better this week x Thanks for sharing with #WotW

  2. Oh dear! The joys of pregnancy! At least it's getting you used to sleep deprivation! X

    1. I keep thinking this is small fry compared with what's ahead! x

  3. Hormones, yes, tricky blighters! Hope you have managed some more restful nights. Sounds like you had a really good weekend though xx

  4. hope this weekend is lovely too, and you start to feel rested x

  5. Soon you'll probably be sleeping more than ever instead - don't be surprised if you need naps whenever possible :) It's lovely, though, those days where you can enjoy the sunshine, walks and a relaxing time with your husband and friends.

    1. definitely feeling slower although not necessarily sleeping more yet! xx
