Sunday, March 13, 2016

word of the week

It has been a busy week here, on way or another. An event at work meant that I saw lots of colleagues I hadn't seen in a long time, and it was great to find out where people were up to, and also a good opportunity to share our baby news, which made it feel very official!

This weekend the house has been filled with The Husband's university friends. They live across the country now, and so it is not often that they all manage to get together, making it a cause for celebration when they do. It was good to see them all, and he had a great weekend.

Leaving them to their catch-up also gave me a good chance to have a few catch-ups of my own. I saw my close school-friend and her family on Friday night, and on Saturday afternoon called in on another close friend to see her and her husband and their little boy. It was lovely to have such a sociable weekend, and having a house full of people stopped me from feeling like I should be doing chores all weekend, and I have felt all the more relaxed as a result, as well as the weekend feeling longer too.

And, although not strictly a reunion, Saturday night was spent having dinner with my parents and then watching Brooklyn with my mum. It was great to spend several hours with them, and although they live so close to us, it felt like the first time in a while we had managed to chat properly.

All in all it has been busy in the loveliest of ways, and now I'm looking forward to some equally lovely calm and quiet. Thank you for all of your comments recently, I hope to reply to them this week!

The Reading Residence


  1. getting together with friends is a Much better way to spend the weekend than housework! xxxx

    1. you are right Tess, it's good for me to remember that when I am feeling unproductive! xx

  2. Sounds like a wonderful week, the best of weeks. Catching up and being sociable always puts me in a great mood :) Thanks for sharing with #WotW x
