Friday, July 10, 2015

word of the week #28

Apologies for the drawing but I am sat in a camping chair peering at the increasingly grey clouds, so my artistic skills are even less apparent than they usually are!

This week has been busy, lots to do at work, lots to do at home preparing for our holiday, and generally feeling like time was short.

I have been trying to stop having unrealistic goals, trying to stop aiming to do far more than is possible in the time available. I've been trying to stop neglecting the blog and have managed to do a few more posts than usual.

I've been trying to stop ignoring the good things and have been enjoying doing a daily post on Instagram celebrating three good things and embracing the happy stuff. I've been trying, albeit with limited success, to stop being quite so focussed on what other people think, when I realised recently just how much of my thoughts are preoccupied with worrying about how others perceive me.

It has still been a productive week, things have got done, progress has been made. There have been slow evenings with Grandad, new recipes, pottering in the garden. Presents have been wrapped bags have been packed, and work has been done. Now, sitting in the evening light, next to our tent, Millie by our side, it is time to stop looking at my phone and enjoy the life going on beyond the screen.


  1. have a wonderful time camping, and enjoying life beyond the screen x

  2. Well done on all the stopping! I hope that you can now move on to enjoying the starting wonderful things!! xx

    1. thank you Amy, hopefully to carry it on now the holiday is over!

  3. Stopping can actually be so freeing and somehow you can get more done! Well done for spotting the need to do so and enjoy looking around you x Thanks for sharing with #WotW

    1. thank you Jocelyn, here's hoping I can keep it up x

  4. You're the second WoTW post with a similar theme; sometimes it's great to stop and look beyond the screen. Sounds like you're embracing it and enjoying every moment. Happy camping & enjoy xx

    1. thanks Tracey, I wonder if its something about summer that makes people feel this way!

  5. I find i have to do this too, just stop running around like a maniac trying to do everything at once and just enjoying the simple things

    1. thanks for visiting Alice, hope you take some time to stop!

  6. I think we are our own worst enemy a lot of times. Making goals that are too much. Its the same for me and sometimes I wish that I will just learn to let go sometimes. #wotw

    1. you are so right about making goals that are too much, its important to get the balance right.

  7. It is so easy to get caught up in planning, posting, taking photos and other things, and then miss what is actually happening around us, and not being part of it.

    1. it's tricky when you have a blog not to see everything through that lense!

  8. Big realisations this week Katie! I am loving your 'three good things' images on IG. X

    1. thanks Penny, it is a nice habit to have x
